Return Policy

There are a number of circumstances when you may wish to cancel and/or return goods ordered. Should you find that an order placed is unsuitable for your requirements, the Company will provide you with a full refund for any UNUSED and UNOPENED item(s) returned to us within 14 days of purchase. On such occasions, you must contact the Company in writing (or via email sent to, quoting your order number and the item(s) that you wish to be returned, prior to returning the product(s). Once the Company has received and acknowledged your requirement, they will provide you with the necessary procedure which you must ensure is followed. The Company will provide a full refund for these item(s) once received in original condition, excluding any carriage charges that may have been incurred when initially dispatching the order.   When returning goods, we recommend that you use a courier or deliver them personally to us. The Company accepts no responsibility for damage that is incurred in transit when returning goods, or for goods that are lost in transit.

Should you require the goods to be collected by the Company in order for their return, the cost of this will be incurred by you and not the Company.